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Magento 2

This page describes the installation procedure for owners of a Magento store (version 2.x).

Request a Printlane Account

Please follow the instructions below to install and configure the extension in your Magento Store.

To connect the extension to a Printlane Account, please contact Printlane website to receive a trial account.

Install the extension

Click the button below to download the extension for Magento 2.x at the Magento Marketplace.

  1. Unzip the extension,
  2. Move the contents of the zip file to the app/code directory of the Magento 2 installation,
  3. Make sure the file structure looks like this: app/code/Spectrum/Colorlab
  4. Run php bin/magento setup:upgrade to install the extension

Configure the extension

  1. Log in to the Magento store
  2. Navigate to Stores - Configuration Open menu Stores - Configuration
  3. Open the Printlane menu on the left Open the Printlane menu on the left
  4. Configure the extension's settings: Printlane settings in Magento
    • Enabled: Set to yes to activate the extension.
    • Show thumb in cart: When set to yes the product image in the shopping cart is replaced with an previw image of the design.
    • Store ID: The Printlane Store ID, you can find this on the settings page in Printlane studio.
    • API key: Entering an API key linked to your Printlane Store will allow to display orders containing a design in Printlane Studio. You can configure an API key in Printlane Studio.
    • API Secret: The secret linked to your API key, which you can find in Printlane Studio.
    • Add To Cart Button Class: Enter a CSS-classname for your add to cart button (defaults to button.tocart which the Designer will use to change the add to cart button to a customize button)
    • Add To Cart Button Name: Enter a text for the customize button (defaults to Personalize this product)
    • Change Design Link Name: Enter a text for the design link displayed in the shopping cart (defaults to Change design)

Enable Printlane Designer for a product

  1. Navigate to Catalog -> ProductsMagento menu Catalog - Products
  2. Edit a product and define which Printlane template to use:
    • Enter a Printlane Template ID. This will be the unique ID of the template created in Printlane Studio: Enter a Printlane Template ID
    • You can omit the Printlane Template ID, in which case the SKU of the product is used to lookup a template in Printlane. If you prefer this, make sure to use your product SKU's as template ID's in Printlane Studio. Enter a product SKU
  3. Enable Printlane Designer for this product: Enable Printlane Designer for the product
  4. Save the product.
  5. Visit the product's detail page in Magento store front-end. The add to cart button now shows the test of the Add To Cart Button Name setting. When you click on the button Printlane Designer opens and loads the template with the Template ID you have configured in step 2. Enable Printlane Designer for the product

Get support integrating Printlane in your Magento store

Did the Add to cart button not change to a Customize button? Please contact Printlane using the Printlane website.