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Artwork allows you to upload your own images your customers can add to their design. Here you can manage all artwork that is available to the customer to choose from.

Artwork Items

Navigate to the list of artwork using the navigation on the left hand side.

The list of artwork is ordered by last updated date, so the last updated artwork appears on the top of the list.

To search for artwork, enter it's name.

Artwork groups

Artwork can optionally be grouped into groups that are not displayed to the customer.

These groups can be used to limit the selection of artwork in the designer.

Examples of groups you could create:

  • Black and white (useful for artwork on glass materials)
  • Engraved (useful for artwork that's engraved)
  • Full Color (for full color artwork)

Adding artwork

  1. Click on the Add new artwork button
  2. Optionally, add keywords to the artwork (these are used to find artwork when customers search for artwork in the designer)
  3. Enter a name for the artwork
  4. Optionally, assign one ore more groups to the artwork
  5. Upload the artwork (JPG or PNG image)
  6. Click on the Save artwork button

Your artwork is now available for products that have an artwork layer, unless that layer only uses artwork from specific groups of which the created artwork is not part of.

Deleting artwork

In the list of artwork or when editing artwork, click on the Delete button and confirm to remove the artwork.

Removing artwork won't affect created designs that use the deleted artwork.